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Avocado Bliss Margarita


Rich, creamy twist on classic Margarita with avocado and lime

Avocado Bliss Margarita

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:make me an avocado margarita
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Avocado Bliss Margarita offers a rich, creamy twist on the classic Margarita, blending the smooth texture of avocado with the tangy zest of lime and tequila. This innovative cocktail is a refreshing, unique treat that's perfect for any occasion, especially those looking for a delightful new way to enjoy their avocado toast tendencies in a glass. **Ingredients:** - 2 oz Blanco tequila - 1 oz Fresh lime juice - 1/2 oz Orange liqueur (such as Triple Sec or Cointreau) - 1/4 ripe avocado - 1/2 oz Agave syrup (adjust to taste) - Ice cubes - Sea salt for rimming the glass - Lime wheel and a small slice of avocado for garnish **Instructions:** 1. **Prepare the Glass:** Start by rimming the edge of your glass with lime juice and dipping it into sea salt to coat the rim. A traditional Margarita or rocks glass is perfect for serving. 2. **Blend the Ingredients:** In a blender, combine the ripe avocado, fresh lime juice, Blanco tequila, orange liqueur, and agave syrup. Add a handful of ice cubes to the blender. 3. **Blend until Smooth:** Blend the mixture until smooth and slightly frothy. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a small amount of water or more lime juice to reach your desired consistency. 4. **Pour and Garnish:** Pour the blended Avocado Bliss Margarita into your prepared glass. Ensure the salted rim remains intact. Garnish with a lime wheel and a small slice of avocado on the rim. 5. **Serve Immediately:** Enjoy your Avocado Bliss Margarita immediately, offering a refreshing, creamy, and zesty cocktail experience that's unlike any other. This cocktail is a true celebration of flavors, where the richness of avocado meets the classic tang of a Margarita, creating a memorable drink that's sure to impress.


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