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Blanc Brilliance


Refined White Negroni with gin, Suze liqueur, and Lillet Blanc

Blanc Brilliance

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

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AI Request:I want to make a white negroni homemade. I'll use liqueur and gin lillette blanc similar to Suze. Homemade suze liqueur shows the detailed ingredients and processes to make 500ml
*Estimated by AI - may vary


**Description:** Blanc Brilliance is a refined and innovative take on the White Negroni. This elegant cocktail merges the crispness of gin with the subtle bitterness of a homemade Suze liqueur and the floral notes of Lillet Blanc. It's a refreshing and sophisticated drink, perfect for any occasion. **Ingredients:** - 45 ml Gin - 45 ml Lillet Blanc - 30 ml Homemade Suze Liqueur **Homemade Suze Liqueur (500 ml):** **Ingredients:** - 250 ml Gentian Root Infusion - 125 ml Honey Simple Syrup - 100 ml Vodka - 25 ml Lemon Peel Infusion **Process:** 1. **Gentian Root Infusion:** - 50 grams Gentian Root - 300 ml Water - 200 ml Vodka Combine the water and gentian root in a pot and simmer for 30 minutes. Let it cool, strain the liquid, and mix it with 200 ml of vodka. Let it sit for 24 hours, then strain again to remove any solids. Use 250 ml of this infusion for your liqueur. 2. **Honey Simple Syrup:** - 125 grams Honey - 125 ml Warm Water Mix the honey with warm water until fully dissolved. Let it cool before using. 3. **Lemon Peel Infusion:** - Peel of 2 Lemons - 50 ml Vodka Peel the lemons, avoiding the white pith. Soak the peels in 50 ml of vodka for 48 hours. Strain and use the resulting liquid. 4. **Combining the Liqueur:** - In a large jar, combine the gentian root infusion, honey simple syrup, vodka, and lemon peel infusion. Stir well and let it sit for 48 hours to meld the flavors. Strain once more to ensure clarity. **Instructions:** 1. Fill a mixing glass with ice. 2. Add gin, Lillet Blanc, and homemade Suze liqueur. 3. Stir well until chilled. 4. Strain into a chilled coupe glass. 5. Garnish with a lemon twist. **Glassware:** Coupe Glass Enjoy the Blanc Brilliance, a harmonious blend of artisanal liqueurs and premium gin, guaranteed to elevate your cocktail repertoire!


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