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Blueberry Bliss Eclipse


Sweet blueberry liqueur, herbal Galliano, crisp vodka cocktail

Blueberry Bliss Eclipse

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:a coctail with blueberry liqeur, galliano, vodka
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is an innovative concoction that combines the sweetness of blueberry liqueur with the herbal warmth of Galliano and the clean, crisp notes of vodka. The drink showcases a vibrant hue and offers a layered taste experience that evolves with each sip. Perfect for evening gatherings or as a signature cocktail at a themed party, the Blueberry Bliss Eclipse is sure to enchant and refresh your palate. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Vodka - 1 oz Blueberry Liqueur - 0.5 oz Galliano - 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice - 2 oz Cranberry Juice - Fresh Blueberries for garnish - Ice Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine vodka, blueberry liqueur, Galliano, fresh lime juice, and cranberry juice. 2. Fill the shaker with ice, secure the lid, and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds, or until the outside of the shaker feels cold. 3. Strain the mixture into a chilled highball glass filled with ice. 4. Garnish with a skewer of fresh blueberries. 5. Optionally, for an added touch, float a thin layer of Galliano on top by pouring it over the back of a spoon. Glass: Serve in a highball glass to accommodate the vibrant layers of flavor and the colorful garnish, ensuring a visual as well as a taste delight.


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