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Celestial Harmony


Complex riff on Vieux Carré with brandies and spices

Celestial Harmony

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a unique, complex, innovative riff on a classic stirred cocktail featuring a split base of Christian Brothers VSOP brandy and Apricot brandy Including amaretto, Allspice Dram, Peychaud's buyers and smoked chili bitters without roasted carrot bitters. using only a subset of the following ingredients johnnie walker double black scotch simple syrup demerara syrup suze liqueur apricot brandy hibiscus yuzu bitters peach syrup grenadine triple sec sarsaparilla bitters brown sugar simple syrup cognac bene...
*Estimated by AI - may vary


**Description:** An evocatively complex, innovative riff on the Vieux Carré, "Celestial Harmony" brings together the warmth of Christian Brothers VSOP brandy and the fruity depth of Apricot brandy. Layers of floral and spice notes from amaretto and Allspice Dram contrast harmoniously with a blend of bitters for an experience that is both rich and tantalizing. Each sip reveals a new facet, making it a captivating journey for any cocktail aficionado. **Ingredients:** - 1 oz Christian Brothers VSOP brandy - 1 oz Apricot brandy - 0.5 oz Amaretto - 0.25 oz Allspice Dram - 0.25 oz Suze liqueur - 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters - 1 dash Smoked chili bitters - 0.25 oz Demerara syrup - Garnish: Lemon twist and a single brandied cherry **Instructions:** 1. Add the Christian Brothers VSOP brandy, Apricot brandy, Amaretto, Allspice Dram, Suze liqueur, Demerara syrup, Peychaud's bitters, and Smoked chili bitters to a mixing glass filled with ice. 2. Stir well until the mixture is thoroughly chilled. 3. Strain into a chilled V-shaped glass. 4. Express a lemon twist over the drink and drop it in. 5. Garnish with a brandied cherry. **Glassware:** - Serve in a V-shaped or classic cocktail glass.


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