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Celestial Spring


Complex gin cocktail with black licorice tea and honey

Celestial Spring

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Okay, I have gin, honey, lemon juice, lime juice, brown sugar, black licorice tea, and kitchen spices. Is there a simple gin cocktail I can make with this?
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Celestial Spring is a refreshing yet complex cocktail that marries the herbal essence of gin with a unique twist from black licorice tea. A gentle kiss of honey and a hint of citrus balance it, creating a drink that feels both grounding and ethereal. Ideal for those who enjoy exploring unconventional flavor profiles. Ingredients: - 2 oz gin - 1 oz honey syrup (equal parts honey and water, combined) - 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice - 1/2 oz fresh lime juice - 1/4 oz black licorice tea concentrate (steep strong and cool) - Brown sugar, for rimming - Pinch of mixed kitchen spices (such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger) Instructions: 1. Prepare the honey syrup by gently warming equal parts honey and water until combined. Let it cool. 2. Brew a strong cup of black licorice tea and allow it to cool. Measure out the concentrate. 3. Rim a chilled coupe glass with brown sugar by dipping the rim in a bit of lemon juice and then into a plate of brown sugar. 4. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the gin, honey syrup, lemon juice, lime juice, and black licorice tea concentrate. 5. Add a small pinch of your choice of kitchen spices to the shaker. 6. Shake well until the shaker feels cold and the ingredients are fully integrated. 7. Strain the cocktail into the prepared sugar-rimmed coupe glass. 8. Garnish with a lemon or lime twist for an added visual flair. Serve in: Coupe glass Enjoy this simple yet sophisticated drink that showcases your gin with an unexpected and delightful twist!


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