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Cherry Blossom Serenade


Ethereal cocktail with gin, cherry liqueur, vermouth, and grenadine

Cherry Blossom Serenade

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:40ml gin, 20ml Maraschino Cherry liqueur, 15ml red vermouth, 10ml grenadin
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This ethereal cocktail brings together the spiced and floral notes of gin with the sweet, complex profiles of Maraschino Cherry liqueur and red vermouth, complemented by a dash of grenadine for a vibrant hue and subtle pomegranate sweetness. A perfect marriage of flavors that dance on the palate, reminiscent of cherry blossoms in full bloom, making it an ideal choice for spring celebrations or as an elegant evening aperitif. Ingredients: - 40ml Gin - 20ml Maraschino Cherry Liqueur - 15ml Red Vermouth - 10ml Grenadine - Ice Cubes - Maraschino Cherry for garnish - A twist of orange peel for garnish Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, fill with ice cubes to chill the ingredients properly. 2. Add the gin, Maraschino cherry liqueur, red vermouth, and grenadine to the shaker. 3. Shake vigorously until well chilled. The shaking not only chills the drink but also dilutes it slightly with the melting ice, achieving the perfect balance. 4. Strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass, ensuring a smooth pour and leaving the ice behind. 5. Garnish with a Maraschino cherry and a twist of orange peel. The orange twist adds a final aromatic touch as the oils are released over the drink. Glass Type: Serve in a chilled coupe glass. The wide bowl and elegant stem of the coupe glass make it ideal for showcasing the vibrant color of the cocktail while maintaining its chilled temperature. Cherry Blossom Serenade is a drink where elegance meets complexity, offering a refreshing yet deep flavor profile that will surely mesmerize anyone who tries it.


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