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Cheshire Fizz


Color-changing cocktail inspired by Cheshire Cat's smile

Cheshire Fizz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:An Alice in wonderland whimsical looking cocktail
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into the whimsy of Wonderland with the Cheshire Fizz, a mesmerizing, color-changing cocktail that captures the enigmatic smile of the Cheshire Cat itself. This delightful concoction combines the magic of butterfly pea flower tea with a touch of lemon acidity, resulting in a drink that transforms before your eyes from a deep, mysterious blue to a vibrant, inviting pink, much like the disappearing and reappearing cat it's named after. Serve this magical drink in a highball glass to fully appreciate its visual transformation and enjoy a taste of Wonderland. Ingredients: - 2 oz Gin (a floral variety works best) - 1 oz Lemon juice, freshly squeezed - 1 oz Butterfly pea flower tea, cooled (prepare according to package instructions) - 0.5 oz Simple syrup (adjust to taste) - Soda water, to top up - Ice cubes - Lemon twist and a sprig of lavender, for garnish Instructions: 1. Begin by steeping the butterfly pea flower tea according to package instructions. Allow the tea to cool to room temperature, or chill it for an even crisper cocktail. 2. In a shaker, combine the gin, lemon juice, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds, or until well chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with ice, creating the first layer of the drink. 4. Slowly pour the cooled butterfly pea flower tea over the back of a spoon to gently layer it on top of the gin mixture. Watch as the colors begin to swirl and mix. 5. Top the drink with a splash of soda water, which will add effervescence and encourage the colors to blend further, fully transforming the drink from blue to pink. 6. Garnish with a lemon twist and a sprig of lavender to enhance the drink's floral notes. 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the magical, whimsical experience of the Cheshire Fizz. The Cheshire Fizz is perfect for an Alice in Wonderland-themed party or for anyone who loves a visually stunning and deliciously refreshing cocktail.


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