Circulatory Elixir


Blend of infused spirits and homemade syrup

Circulatory Elixir

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a original cocktail inspired by the loop of circulation with infusing base spirits. Use homemade liqueur or syrup or infused spirits. and description all recipe. Not use oz instead of ml
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: Inspired by the perpetual motion of circulation, the Circulatory Elixir is a testament to the beauty of flow and renewal. This cocktail is a harmonious blend of infused spirits and homemade syrup, embodying both vitality and balance. The base spirit, infused with a medley of herbs, mirrors the invigorating essence of circulation, while the homemade syrup adds a sweet complexity, symbolizing the nourishment carried through our veins. This drink is not just a cocktail; it's a celebration of life's continuous loop. Ingredients: - 45 ml Gin, infused with rosemary and thyme for 48 hours - 15 ml Homemade hibiscus syrup - 10 ml Fresh lemon juice - 20 ml Aperol - Sparkling water to top up - Garnish: Lemon twist and a sprig of fresh thyme Glass: Serve in a highball glass. Instructions: 1. Begin by infusing your gin. In a clean jar, add rosemary and thyme to your preferred gin and allow it to infuse for 48 hours. Strain the herbs out before use. 2. To make the homemade hibiscus syrup, simmer dried hibiscus flowers with equal parts sugar and water until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool, then strain out the flowers. This syrup can be stored in the refrigerator. 3. In a shaker filled with ice, combine the infused gin, homemade hibiscus syrup, fresh lemon juice, and Aperol. Shake vigorously until well-chilled. 4. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. 5. Top up with sparkling water for a refreshing fizz. 6. Garnish with a lemon twist and a sprig of fresh thyme. 7. Serve immediately and enjoy the invigorating essence of the Circulatory Elixir. This cocktail, with its blend of herbal, floral, and citrus notes, is perfect for those seeking refreshment and inspiration in every sip.


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