Cosmic Convergence


Celestial journey in a glass

Cosmic Convergence

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a original cocktail inspired by a "The Wolrd" with infusing base spirits. Use homemade liqueur or syrup or infused spirits.and that uses an advanced mixology teqhnique. and description all recipe. Not use oz instead of ml
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Inspired by the vast and mysterious expanse of "The World", the Cosmic Convergence cocktail is a celestial journey in a glass, blending infused spirits with homemade syrups to create a drink that transcends the ordinary. Served in a chilled Nick & Nora glass, this creation is not only a visual spectacle but a multi-layered tasting experience that embodies the essence of discovery and unity. Ingredients: - 50ml Jasmine Tea-Infused Gin: Immerse a jasmine tea bag in 500ml of your favorite gin and let it infuse for 2 hours, then remove the bag. - 20ml Homemade Starfruit Syrup: Combine equal parts sugar and water with chopped starfruit in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool, then strain. - 15ml Fresh Lime Juice - 5ml Elderflower Liqueur - A dash of Orange Bitters - Edible Silver Dust for garnish - Star Anise for garnish Advanced Mixology Technique: Clarification To create a crystal-clear cocktail that astonishes with its depth of flavor, the combined ingredients (excluding the garnishes) should undergo a milk clarification process. This involves adding the mixed drink to slightly warmed whole milk, causing the milk to curdle. After a few hours, strain the mixture through a fine cloth or coffee filter. This process removes small particles and gives the drink a silky-smooth texture and a stunningly clear appearance. Instructions: 1. Begin with the jasmine tea-infused gin; pour 50ml into a mixing glass. 2. Add 20ml of the homemade starfruit syrup, 15ml of fresh lime juice, 5ml of elderflower liqueur, and a dash of orange bitters to the infused gin. 3. Fill the mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled. 4. Perform the clarification process as described above. This step could be done in advance to ensure the cocktail is ready for assembly. 5. Once the cocktail is clarified, pour it into the chilled Nick & Nora glass. 6. Garnish with a sprinkle of edible silver dust and a star anise placed delicately on the surface of the drink. The Cosmic Convergence is more than a cocktail; it's a cosmopolitan experience, capturing the essence of exploration and the interconnectedness of "The World" in every sip. Perfect for moments when you seek to offer a journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional mixology.


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