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Crimson Spice Spritz


Spicy twist on traditional spritz with red pepper and prosecco

Crimson Spice Spritz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create me a spritz with red pepper
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This innovative cocktail brings a spicy twist to your traditional spritz, incorporating the bold flavor of red pepper. It’s a visually stunning and tantalizingly spicy drink, perfect for those looking to add a bit of heat to their refreshments. The combination of red pepper's spiciness with the bubbly and slightly sweet notes of the prosecco creates a unique, refreshing, and unforgettable experience. Ingredients: - 1 oz Aperol - 1 oz red pepper puree (see instructions below to prepare) - 0.5 oz simple syrup - 2 oz prosecco - 2 oz soda water - Ice cubes - Red pepper flakes for garnish - Thinly sliced red pepper ring for garnish Instructions for Red Pepper Puree: 1. Roast one large red pepper by placing it on an open flame or under a broiler, turning it until the skin is completely charred. 2. Place the charred pepper in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for about 10 minutes. This process will help in peeling the skin. 3. Peel the skin off, remove the seeds, and puree the roasted red pepper in a blender until smooth. Strain to ensure the puree is smooth. Cocktail Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the Aperol, red pepper puree, and simple syrup. Add a handful of ice cubes. 2. Shake well until the mixture is well chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a large wine glass filled with ice cubes. 4. Gently pour in the prosecco and soda water, maintaining the fizz. 5. Stir lightly to combine all the ingredients. 6. Garnish with a sprinkle of red pepper flakes and a thinly sliced red pepper ring. 7. Enjoy your Crimson Spice Spritz, a refreshing cocktail with a spicy kick. Glass Type: Serve in a large wine glass to accommodate the ice and garnishes, presenting a visually appealing and aromatic experience. This choice of glass also helps to preserve the bubbles of the prosecco for a longer time.


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