Elderflower Peppercorn Blossom


Refreshing, aromatic cocktail with elderflower, lime, pink peppercorn, basil

Elderflower Peppercorn Blossom

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:un cocktail con gin lime e pepe rosa, liquore ai fiori di sambuco, succo di lime, sciroppo di zucchero e foglie di basilico
*Estimated by AI - may vary


**Description:** A refreshing and aromatic cocktail that beautifully balances the floral notes of elderflower with the zesty punch of lime and the subtle spice of pink peppercorn. The basil leaves add a fresh, herbal layer that complements the gin's botanicals perfectly. **Ingredients:** - 50 ml gin - 20 ml elderflower liqueur - 25 ml fresh lime juice - 15 ml simple syrup - 5 pink peppercorns - 5 fresh basil leaves - Ice cubes **Instructions:** 1. Muddle the pink peppercorns and basil leaves gently in a shaker to release their aromas and flavors. 2. Add the gin, elderflower liqueur, lime juice, and simple syrup to the shaker. 3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds. 4. Double strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass to remove the peppercorn and basil pulp. 5. Garnish with a small basil leaf and a few whole pink peppercorns. **Type of Glass:** Serve in a coupe glass. This cocktail offers a sophisticated and refreshing drinking experience with an intriguing mix of floral, citrusy, and slightly peppery notes. Perfect for a summer evening or a special gathering.


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