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Enchanted Cherry Blossom


Enchanted Cherry Blossom cocktail

Enchanted Cherry Blossom

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:create a cocktail with FloraLuna Pistachio Cherry Syrup and FloraLuna Cherry Vanilla Bitters in a botanical, enchanted scene.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Imagine stepping into an ethereal, moonlit garden, where each sip lets you taste the magic of the night. The Enchanted Cherry Blossom cocktail captures the essence of this mystical world, blending the nutty, sweet notes of pistachio with the deep, alluring tones of cherry and vanilla. Served in a delicate coupe glass, this drink not only tastes exquisite but also looks like a potion straight out of a fairy tale. Ingredients: - 2 oz Gin (preferably one with floral notes) - 0.75 oz FloraLuna Pistachio Cherry Syrup - 0.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice - 1 dash FloraLuna Cherry Vanilla Bitters - 1 Egg White (for froth and smoothness; can substitute with aquafaba for a vegan option) - Edible flowers and/or a cherry for garnish Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine the gin, FloraLuna Pistachio Cherry Syrup, fresh lemon juice, FloraLuna Cherry Vanilla Bitters, and egg white. 2. Dry shake (without ice) vigorously for about 15 seconds to emulsify the egg white. 3. Add a handful of ice to the shaker and shake again until well chilled. 4. Fine strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass to ensure a smooth texture, free of ice chips. 5. Carefully float a few edible flowers on the surface as garnish, and perhaps skewer a cherry with a cocktail pick for an additional touch of enchantment. 6. Serve immediately and watch as your guests are transported to a magical botanical scene with each sip of the Enchanted Cherry Blossom. This cocktail is not only a delight to the palate but also a feast for the eyes, embodying the very essence of an enchanted, botanical dream.


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