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Exotic Fizz Spritz


Refreshing Spritz cocktail with exotic fruits and sparkling wine

Exotic Fizz Spritz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 6 oz

Net Carbs
AI Request:Spritz cocktail with exotic fruits and exotic fruit spirit with sparkling wine
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Experience a taste of paradise with this refreshing Spritz cocktail infused with an array of exotic fruits and a hint of exotic fruit spirit, perfectly complemented by the effervescence of sparkling wine. Ingredients: - 1 oz Exotic Fruit Spirit (such as passion fruit or lychee liqueur) - 1 oz Freshly Squeezed Exotic Fruit Juice (such as mango, pineapple, or guava) - 4 oz Sparkling Wine (such as Prosecco or Champagne) - Ice cubes - Exotic Fruit Slices (for garnish) Instructions: 1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. 2. Pour the exotic fruit spirit over the ice. 3. Add the freshly squeezed exotic fruit juice to the glass. 4. Gently stir the mixture to combine the flavors. 5. Top off the glass with sparkling wine, allowing the bubbles to mingle with the fruity mixture. 6. Give it a gentle stir once more to distribute the fizz. 7. Garnish with exotic fruit slices on the rim or floating in the cocktail. 8. Serve chilled and enjoy the tropical paradise in a glass!


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