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French Russian


French Russian cocktail with vodka, Grand Marnier, Chambord, tea

French Russian

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:There are White Russian and Black Russian vodka-based drinks. Can you make a French Russian vodka-based drink?
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: A sophisticated blend that marries the classic elegance of French flavors with the robust spirit of Russian vodka, creating a drink that is both smooth and aromatic. This cocktail is perfect for those who appreciate a touch of continental flair in their glass. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz premium vodka - 1 oz Grand Marnier (or any quality orange liqueur) - 0.5 oz Chambord (or a similar black raspberry liqueur) - 0.5 oz fresh lemon juice - 1 oz chilled French Earl Grey tea (for a subtle floral note) - Lemon twist and a few fresh raspberries for garnish Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, combine the vodka, Grand Marnier, Chambord, lemon juice, and chilled Earl Grey tea. 2. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously until well-chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass. 4. Garnish with a lemon twist and a couple of fresh raspberries. Glass: Coupe glass This French Russian cocktail delivers a unique interaction of flavors, with the rich berry notes of Chambord and the citrusy kick of Grand Marnier, enveloped by a gentle tea essence, making it a delightful and exotic vodka-based upgrade to the traditional Russian cocktails.


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