Galactic Enigma


Multisensory cocktail experience with rare ingredients and interactive presentation

Galactic Enigma

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A strange and experimental cocktail that defies all standard cocktail conventions using unique tools and an equally unique glass with many steps, using many unusual, special, and creative ingredients to make an out of this world experience unlike any other ever experienced before or ever again
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Galactic Enigma is a multisensory cocktail experience designed to both perplex and delight the senses. This otherworldly concoction employs molecular mixology, rare ingredients, and an interactive presentation that invites the imbiber on a journey through sight, scent, taste, and touch. **Glassware**: Custom-made, hand-blown glass in the shape of a spinning galaxy, with a hollow center for dry ice and rimmed with edible silver dust. **Ingredients**: - 1 oz Cloudberry-infused Lapsang Souchong Tea Syrup - 2 oz Vodka distilled with meteorite fragments (limited edition) - 0.5 oz Fresh lime juice, filtered through a rare mineral stone for added minerality - 1 oz Fresh juice of a rambutan, strained - A spray of ElectricDaisy extract (creates a tingling sensation on the palate) - 3 drops of Blue Majik Spirulina extract (for a vibrant, otherworldly color) - A pinch of Moon Dust (edible glitter made from minerals) - A capsule of space-grade oxygen as a palate cleanser - Dry ice for sublimation and effect - Glow-in-the-dark edible flowers for garnish **Tools**: - Anti-gravity mixing station (a magnetically levitating cocktail shaker) - Ultrasonic vaporizer for aromatic mist - Liquid nitrogen dispenser - High-precision optical refractometer (to measure the sugar content of syrups with laser accuracy) **Instructions**: 1. Begin by chilling the galaxy glass with liquid nitrogen, ensuring a frosted appearance. 2. In the anti-gravity mixing station, combine the cloudberry-infused tea syrup, vodka, lime juice, and rambutan juice. Engage the levitation and mix at precisely 0 gravity for uniform infusion. 3. Carefully pour the intergalactic blend into the galaxy glass, avoiding disturbances in the dry ice in the center. 4. Add the Blue Majik Spirulina extract drop by drop, watching them expand like nebulae forming new stars. 5. Spritz the ElectricDaisy extract over the surface of the drink to create a stimulating top layer. 6. With tweezers, delicately place a pinch of Moon Dust onto the drink's surface, witnessing a shimmering meteor shower effect. 7. Activate the ultrasonic vaporizer with a concoction of interstellar aromatics, and waft the mist over the glass to engage the sense of smell with the essence of cosmic dust and solar flares. 8. Gently place a glow-in-the-dark edible flower atop the drink, illuminated by the specialty lighting beneath the glass. 9. Serve the cocktail with the space-grade oxygen capsule on the side, instructing guests to inhale before taking their first sip to cleanse the palate and heighten taste sensitivity. 10. Encourage guests to sip slowly, as


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