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Galactic Old Fashioned


Cosmic spin on classic Old Fashioned

Galactic Old Fashioned

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:An old fashioned that will blow my mind
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Experience a cosmic spin on the classic Old Fashioned that will take your senses on an interstellar journey. Glass: - Lowball glass Ingredients: - 2 oz Smoked Bourbon (for a deep, woody base) - 1/2 oz Spiced Cherry Syrup (to add a complex layer of sweet and spice) - 2 dashes Chocolate Bitters (to complement the bourbon with a rich cocoa note) - 1 dash Orange Bitters (for a subtle citrusy brightness) - 1 barspoon Black Walnut Liqueur (introducing a unique, nutty character) - 1 piece of Charred Orange Peel (for garnish and aroma) - 1 Luxardo Maraschino Cherry (for garnish) - Ice sphere with an edible flower frozen inside (for a visual and tactile sensation) Instructions: 1. In a mixing glass, combine the smoked bourbon, spiced cherry syrup, chocolate bitters, orange bitters, and black walnut liqueur. 2. Fill the mixing glass with ice and stir the mixture until well-chilled (about 30 seconds). 3. Place the ice sphere with the frozen edible flower at the center of the lowball glass. 4. Strain the chilled mixture over the ice sphere in the glass, ensuring the slow melt enhances the flavor. 5. Express the oils of the charred orange peel over the drink, run it around the rim of the glass, and add it to the cocktail. 6. Add the Luxardo Maraschino Cherry for a final touch of sophistication. Enjoy the Galactic Old Fashioned, a cocktail that transcends time and space, delivering a mind-blowing taste with every sip.


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