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Garden Whisper


A softer, nuanced take on a classic Dirty Martini

Garden Whisper
Human Approved

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:a cocktail recipe like a dirty martini but not so strong
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Imagine a cocktail that embodies the spirit of a classic Dirty Martini but with a softer, more nuanced character. Garden Whisper is a delicate blend that caters to those who love the idea of a martini but seek a less potent experience. Its balance of herbal, savory, and slight sweetness makes it a perfect choice for early evening sipping or as a sophisticated dinner accompaniment. **Glass:** Chilled Nick and Nora Glass **Ingredients:** - 1.5 oz Dry Gin (Choose a brand that leans more floral or herbal than juniper-heavy) - 0.5 oz Dry Vermouth - 0.5 oz Olive brine (Choose a high-quality, artisanal brine for a more nuanced flavor) - 0.25 oz Elderflower Liqueur (Adds a hint of sweetness and floral notes) - 2 dashes Orange Bitters (For a subtle depth and complexity) - Garnish: 1 Olives on a pick and a small sprig of fresh thyme **Method:** 1. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. Pour the dry gin, dry vermouth, olive brine, elderflower liqueur, and orange bitters over the ice. 3. Stir gently but thoroughly, ensuring the mixture is well chilled and diluted just right. 4. Strain the mixture into the chilled Nick and Nora glass. 5. Garnish with the olive on a pick and gently lay a small sprig of fresh thyme across the glass's rim, allowing its aroma to enhance each sip. **The Experience:** Garden Whisper is a cocktail that invites you to linger, with each sip unfolding new layers. The dry gin base maintains the spirit of a traditional martini, while the elderflower liqueur introduces a soft floral sweetness that cuts through the brine’s savory edge. The orange bitters and fresh thyme add a layer of complexity that makes this drink memorably innovative. Serve Garden Whisper as a sophisticated opening to a meal or enjoy it as a refined end to your day.


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