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Midnight Alchemy


Sweet and spicy Midnight Alchemy cocktail

Midnight Alchemy

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A cocktail that uses these ingredients: st hubertus, absolut vodka, jagwrmeister, wine, spices if needed, milk, coke, ice tea, sugar. We dont need to use all of these ingredients these are just the possible ones.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: A bold concoction that dances between sweet and spice, the Midnight Alchemy captures the essence of mystery and intrigue. With a daring blend of herbal, creamy, and effervescent notes, this cocktail delivers a unique taste journey sure to captivate curious palates. Ingredients: - 1 oz St. Hubertus - 1 oz Absolut Vodka - 0.5 oz Jägermeister - 0.5 oz Red Wine - 1 oz Milk - 2 oz Coke - 0.5 oz Brewed Iced Tea - Pinch of ground cinnamon (optional for a touch of spice) - 1 tsp Sugar - Ice Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine St. Hubertus, Absolut Vodka, Jägermeister, red wine, milk, and brewed iced tea. 2. Add sugar and a pinch of ground cinnamon to the mix, then fill the shaker halfway with ice. 3. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds until well chilled and sugar is dissolved. 4. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. 5. Top up with Coke, gently stirring to combine. Glass Type: Highball Glass Garnish: Serve with a cinnamon stick or a twist of lemon peel for an aromatic touch.


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