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Midnight Blues in Sonoma


Harmonious blend of gin, limoncello, and vanilla essence

Midnight Blues in Sonoma

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a cocktail using at least Prohibition Spirits Flowers Gin (Aroma is reminiscent of the sweet, slightly spicy scent of rose petals intertwined with the soothing, herbal fragrance of lavender), Prohibition Spirits Limoncello (California version of the classic Italian digestivo. Grape-based Neutral Brandy, using Sorrento and Eureka lemons) and any Sonoma Syrup Co. products. Include in the name of the cocktail a reference to Texas Blues song. using only a subset of the following ingredients
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Midnight Blues in Sonoma cocktail is a harmonious blend of the floral and herbaceous essence of Prohibition Spirits Flowers Gin, fused with the zesty sweetness of Prohibition Spirits Limoncello, and enriched with the complexity of Sonoma Syrup Co. Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup. This concoction pays homage to the soulful depths of Texas Blues, offering a sensory experience that's as rich and profound as the music that inspires it. **Ingredients:** - 2 oz Prohibition Spirits Flowers Gin - 1 oz Prohibition Spirits Limoncello - 1/2 oz Sonoma Syrup Co. Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup - 1/2 oz Fresh lemon juice - Splash of soda water - Edible flowers and lemon twist for garnish **Instructions:** 1. In a shaker filled with ice, combine the Flowers Gin, Limoncello, Vanilla Bean Simple Syrup, and lemon juice. 2. Shake vigorously until well chilled. 3. Strain into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. 4. Top off with a splash of soda water for a refreshing fizz. 5. Gently stir to incorporate the soda. 6. Garnish with an array of edible flowers and a lemon twist to embody the floral and citrus notes. **Serving Glass:** Highball glass This cocktail, Midnight Blues in Sonoma, captures the essence of a Texas Blues night—deep, soulful, and mesmerizing—with a nod to Sonoma's artisan spirit craftsmanship and the lush landscapes that inspire its flavors. It's perfect for savoring on a warm evening or as a sophisticated accompaniment to a gathering of close friends and music aficionados.


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