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Midnight Sparkler


Festive and budget-friendly cocktail for New Year's Eve

Midnight Sparkler

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:create a delicious but cheap coctail for newyears eve
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Midnight Sparkler is a festive and budget-friendly cocktail designed specifically for New Year's Eve celebrations. With its shimmering appearance and effervescent taste, it's like a fireworks display in a glass. **Glass:** - Champagne flute **Ingredients:** - 1 oz Peach schnapps (cost-effective and adds sweet, fruity flavor) - 1/2 oz Blue Curaçao (for a pop of vibrant blue color and subtle orange flavor) - Sparkling wine (inexpensive Cava or Prosecco recommended, to fill) - A splash of lemon-lime soda (to add extra fizz and sweetness) - Lemon twist or peels (for garnish) **Instructions:** 1. In the champagne flute, pour 1 oz of peach schnapps. 2. Gently add 1/2 oz of Blue Curaçao over the back of a spoon to create a layering effect. 3. Fill the rest of the glass with your choice of sparkling wine, leaving a little room at the top. 4. Top off with a splash of lemon-lime soda for that extra zing and sparkle. 5. Garnish with a twist or peel of lemon on the rim for fragrance and an elegant presentation. The combination of peach and citrus from the Blue Curaçao complements the bubbles of the sparkling wine, creating a cocktail that's not only delicious but also visually appealing with its layered colors. The Midnight Sparkler is sure to add an affordable touch of glamour to any New Year's Eve toast. Cheers to a bright and bubbly beginning!


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