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Orange Blossom Sunset


Citrusy, floral, and sophisticated cocktail with a sunset gradient

Orange Blossom Sunset

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a cocktail using Prohibition Spirits Grand Orange Brandy Liqueur (Our VS Brandy is barrel aged with California Valencia orange peels) and Prohibition Spirits Pink Gin (A delightfully refreshing gin infused with citrus and hibiscus) add and any Sonoma Syrup Co. products. using only a subset of the following ingredients
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is a celebration of flavors, combining the unique Prohibition Spirits Grand Orange Brandy Liqueur and Pink Gin with a delightful hint of sweetness and floral undertones from Sonoma Syrup Co.'s products. Served in a chilled coupe glass, the Orange Blossom Sunset provides a refreshing and sophisticated experience, perfect for enjoying during warm evenings or as a classy aperitif. Ingredients: - 2 oz Prohibition Spirits Pink Gin - 1 oz Prohibition Spirits Grand Orange Brandy Liqueur - 0.5 oz Sonoma Syrup Co. Lavender Simple Syrup - 0.5 oz fresh lemon juice - Splash of Sonoma Syrup Co. Pomegranate Simple Syrup (for color and a hint of tartness) - Edible flowers or an orange twist for garnish Instructions: 1. Chill a coupe glass by filling it with ice water and setting it aside. 2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the Pink Gin, Grand Orange Brandy Liqueur, Lavender Simple Syrup, and fresh lemon juice. 3. Shake vigorously until well-chilled. 4. Discard the ice water from the coupe glass and strain the shaken mixture into it. 5. Carefully add a splash of the Pomegranate Simple Syrup to create a beautiful gradient effect in the glass, resembling a sunset. 6. Garnish with an edible flower or a twist of orange peel to elevate the sensory experience. The Orange Blossom Sunset invites you to savor the harmonious blend of citrus, floral, and subtly sweet notes, while the pomegranate splash adds a striking visual appeal and a delightful complexity to the drink. Enjoy the vibrant and aromatic journey with each sip!


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