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Peachy Botanist Spritz


Bright, enticing cocktail with sweet and bitter flavors

Peachy Botanist Spritz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

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AI Request:Create a cocktail using Prohibition Spirits Apero Spritz (Bitter orange and cherry notes with a special recipe of botanicals and bitter woods, naturally colored with cochineal) and Prohibition Spirits Peach Schnapps. using only a subset of the following ingredients
*Estimated by AI - may vary


In the effervescent world of mixology, there's always room for innovation and the rediscovery of forgotten spirits. The Peachy Botanist Spritz is a bright and enticing cocktail that combines the bitterness of Prohibition Spirits Apero Spritz with the sweet, lush undertones of Prohibition Spirits Peach Schnapps. This cocktail is a perfect synthesis of contrasting flavors, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate the intricate dance of sweet and bitter. To be served in a highball glass, this drink not only satiates your thirst but also transports you to a speakeasy of the 1920s with its deep, complex flavors. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Prohibition Spirits Apero Spritz (Bitter orange and cherry notes with a botanical bouquet) - 1 oz Prohibition Spirits Peach Schnapps - 2 oz Soda Water - 0.5 oz Lemon Juice (to add a tangy freshness) - A Dash of Simple Syrup (optional, for those who prefer a sweeter touch) - Ice Cubes - Garnish: Orange Slice and a Maraschino Cherry Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine the Prohibition Spirits Apero Spritz, Prohibition Spirits Peach Schnapps, lemon juice, and simple syrup (if using). Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake well until the mixture is well chilled. 2. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes to the brim. 3. Strain the cocktail mixture into the prepared highball glass. 4. Gently pour soda water over the back of a spoon to layer it on top of the drink, filling the glass. 5. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry on a skewer. 6. Serve immediately and enjoy the delightful blend of flavors. The Peachy Botanist Spritz is a testament to the art of mixology, blending the old with the new to create a drink that's both innovative and deeply rooted in cocktail tradition. Whether it's a warm summer evening or a cozy winter night, this cocktail promises an experience that's both refreshing and profoundly satisfying.


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