Persian Sunrise


A cocktail with vibrant flavors and luxurious texture

Persian Sunrise

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:“Gin cocktail with: , pomegranate juice, orange blossom water syrup ( i need also the recepie), lime juice, pomegranate melasse. You can add steps or ingredients to make it better. Recepie in grams. Iwant it bright res and i want to taste the promegranate and the orange blossom water when drinking” You mad it it was good i want to take it to another level i want it to POP i want people foing crazy when rasting it i wang it funky and complex
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Dive into a symphony of flavors with the Persian Sunrise, a cocktail that embodies the essence of the Middle East with its vibrant colors, intricate flavors, and luxurious texture. This concoction is designed to leave your taste buds dancing with every sip, featuring the boldness of gin complemented by the sweetness of pomegranate and the floral hints of orange blossom water. This recipe tweaks the traditional to create a drink that's not just tasted but experienced. **Glassware**: Chilled Coupe Glass **Ingredients**: - Gin: 60 grams - Fresh pomegranate juice: 90 grams (to ensure a bright red color and fresh taste) - Homemade Orange Blossom Water Syrup: 30 grams (recipe below) - Fresh lime juice: 15 grams - Pomegranate molasses: 10 grams (for depth and a hint of tang) - Fresh orange peel: 1 twist (for garnish) - Edible gold leaf: small piece (for that extra pop) - Ice **Homemade Orange Blossom Water Syrup**: - Sugar: 100 grams - Water: 100 grams - Orange Blossom Water: 15 grams To create the syrup, combine sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Remove from heat, allow to cool, and then stir in the orange blossom water. Refrigerate in an airtight container. **Instructions**: 1. Start by chilling your coupe glass in the freezer. 2. In a shaker, combine the gin, pomegranate juice, homemade orange blossom water syrup, lime juice, and pomegranate molasses. 3. Fill the shaker with ice, and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to combine the ingredients well and chill the mixture. 4. Strain the mixture into the chilled coupe glass, ensuring a smooth flow to maintain the cocktail's integrity. 5. Garnish with an orange peel twist for citrus aroma and a piece of edible gold leaf on top for that luxurious, popping effect that makes the drink not only delicious but visually stunning. 6. Serve immediately and watch as the Persian Sunrise becomes the star of the show. The Persian Sunrise is designed to captivate with its bright red allure, while the intricate balance of flavors from pomegranate, orange blossom, and lime ensures a taste that's both refreshing and complex. The edible gold leaf garnish adds a unique, funky element that will have everyone talking, making this cocktail an unforgettable experience.


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