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Salted Mint Whisky Coke


Created By: @BarGPT

Salted Mint Whisky Coke

Salted Mint Whisky Coke

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Varies depending on the whisky used*
Approximately 200*
Net Carbs
Approximately 20 grams*
AI Request:A whisky and coke with mint garnish and salted rim
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Ingredients: - 2 oz whisky - 4 oz cola - 1/4 cup of Kosher salt - Fresh mint sprigs - Ice cubes Directions: 1. Begin by rimming a highball glass with salt. To do this, spread out Kosher salt on a small plate. Take the rim of your glass and dip it into a shallow dish of water. Then, dip the wet rim into the plate of salt and give the glass a little twist to make sure the salt sticks. 2. Fill the glass with ice cubes. 3. Add the whisky and cola to the glass. 4. Take a few fresh mint leaves and give them a gentle slap to release their aroma. Garnish the drink with the mint sprigs. 5. Stir everything together and enjoy your Salted Mint Whisky Coke!


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