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Solar Flare Spritz


Effervescent cocktail with saffron-infused syrup and blood orange

Solar Flare Spritz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Something with champagne
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Solar Flare Spritz is an effervescent, elegant cocktail that captures the essence of a sunset with its layered hues of orange and pink. It's a refreshing option for brunch or a celebratory toast, merging the crispness of champagne with the subtle sweetness of honey and the zesty kick of blood orange. The addition of a homemade saffron-infused syrup provides an exotic twist, lending the drink an otherworldly glow and a hint of luxurious spice. Ingredients: - 1/2 oz Saffron-infused syrup (homemade by steeping a pinch of saffron threads in 1 cup of simple syrup) - 1 oz Fresh blood orange juice - 1/2 oz Aperol - 3 oz Chilled champagne or sparkling wine - 1 oz Soda water - Fresh blood orange slice for garnish - Edible gold dust (optional for garnish) Glass: Champagne flute Instructions: 1. To create the saffron-infused syrup, add a pinch of saffron threads to a cup of simple syrup. Allow it to steep for at least 4 hours or overnight for a stronger infusion. Strain out the saffron threads before use. 2. In the bottom of a champagne flute, combine the saffron-infused syrup with fresh blood orange juice and Aperol. 3. Carefully pour chilled champagne or sparkling wine on top to preserve the layered effect. 4. Gently top with soda water, adding effervescence while not disturbing the existing layers. 5. Garnish with a thin slice of fresh blood orange, either floating on top or placed on the rim of the glass. 6. For an extra touch of elegance and to play up the "solar" theme, lightly sprinkle a pinch of edible gold dust over the surface of the drink. 7. Serve immediately, encouraging guests to gently stir the cocktail before s


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