Solar Flare


Vibrant cocktail with spherification for a visually captivating experience

Solar Flare

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:A cocktail recipes that uses an advanced mixology technique
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Solar Flare is a stunningly vibrant cocktail that utilizes the advanced mixology technique of spherification to create a visually captivating and palate-pleasing experience. This drink captures the essence of a brilliant sunset with layers of flavored spheres that burst in your mouth, complementing the rich and refreshing cocktail base. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz premium vodka - 1 oz passion fruit juice - 0.5 oz fresh lime juice - 0.5 oz simple syrup - 3 oz sparkling water (chilled) - For spherification: - 1 cup mango juice - 1 gram sodium alginate - 5 grams calcium lactate - Distilled water Preparation: 1. To prepare the mango spheres, start by blending the mango juice with sodium alginate until smooth. Let it sit for about 15 minutes to remove air bubbles. 2. In a separate bowl, dissolve calcium lactate in distilled water to create a calcium bath. 3. Using a dropper or syringe, gently dispense drops of the mango-alginate mixture into the calcium bath. Let the spheres sit for about 2 minutes, then carefully remove and rinse them with distilled water. 4. In a cocktail shaker, combine the vodka, passion fruit juice, lime juice, and simple syrup. Fill with ice and shake well until chilled. 5. Strain the mixture into a highball glass filled with ice. 6. Gently add the prepared mango spheres on top. 7. Slowly pour the sparkling water to finish, allowing the mango spheres to float and create a beautiful visual effect. Type of Glass: Highball Glass Enjoy the Solar Flare, a cocktail that not only delights the eyes with its luminescent floating spheres but also provides a burst of tropical flavors with each sip!


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