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Sunset Serenity Spritz


Refreshing and innovative mocktail

Sunset Serenity Spritz

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:an original mocktail for the aperitif of the day
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: The Sunset Serenity Spritz is a refreshing and innovative mocktail that is perfect for stimulating the appetite before a meal. Its lively colors mimic the serene hues of the evening sky as the sun sets, providing a visual feast that complements its bright and zesty flavors. With a blend of citrus, herbal notes, and a hint of sweetness, this non-alcoholic aperitif is an elegant choice for any occasion. Ingredients: - 3 oz blood orange juice (freshly squeezed if possible) - 1 oz lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 1 oz elderflower cordial - 2 oz tonic water - 1 sprig of fresh rosemary - 1 sprig of fresh thyme - Ice cubes - Sparkling water to top up - Optional: A few edible flowers for garnish Glass: Serve in a large wine glass or a Collins glass. Instructions: 1. Fill the glass with ice cubes to chill. 2. In a shaker, combine the blood orange juice, lemon juice, and elderflower cordial. 3. Shake gently to mix the ingredients without creating too much froth. 4. Strain the mixture into the prepared glass, over the ice. 5. Add the fresh sprigs of rosemary and thyme to the glass, gently bruising the herbs to release their aroma. 6. Top the mixture with tonic water, and then add sparkling water until the glass is almost full. 7. Stir the drink gently to combine all the flavors. 8. If desired, add a few edible flowers on top for a splash of color and an extra touch of elegance. 9. Serve immediately, and enjoy the burst of refreshment. The Sunset Serenity Spritz offers a sophisticated and picturesque start to any dining experience, pleasing the palate with its harmonious balance of sweet, tart, and botanical flavors.


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