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The Caribbean Rhapsody


Rich, dark Caribbean Rhapsody Tiki cocktail with exotic flavors

The Caribbean Rhapsody

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a unique, complex, innovative riff on a classic cocktail featuring equal parts Jamaican black pot still rum and Pusser's navy rum including pineapple amaro and pineapple clove bitters. using only a subset of the following ingredients chambord raspberry liqueur cynar amaro strega liqueur xtabentún tajin seasoning ginger beer laird's bottled in bond apple brandy chocolate bitters campari fernet-branca worcestershire sauce kraken dark spiced rum plantation 5 year rum genepy sotol elderflower liqueur c...
*Estimated by AI - may vary


**Description:** A symphony of rich, dark flavors harmonized with tropical notes, the Caribbean Rhapsody is an innovative riff on a classic Tiki cocktail. Balancing the robust character of Jamaican black pot still rum and Pusser's navy rum with exotic pineapple amaro and a hint of clove, this complex beverage intertwines the depth of Cynar amaro and the spicy intrigue of Xtabentún. Finish with a whisper of chocolate bitters and persimmon ginger bitters for a drink that serenades the senses. **Ingredients:** - 1 oz Jamaican black pot still rum - 1 oz Pusser's navy rum - 0.5 oz pineapple amaro - 0.25 oz Cynar amaro - 0.25 oz Xtabentún - 2 dashes pineapple clove bitters - 1 dash persimmon ginger bitters - 1 dash chocolate bitters - 0.5 oz demerara syrup - 0.5 oz fresh lime juice - 1 barspoon grenadine **Garnish:** - Pineapple leaf - Dehydrated pineapple slice - Grated nutmeg **Glass:** Tiki mug **Instructions:** 1. Combine the Jamaican black pot still rum, Pusser's navy rum, pineapple amaro, Cynar amaro, Xtabentún, demerara syrup, fresh lime juice, grenadine, pineapple clove bitters, persimmon ginger bitters, and chocolate bitters in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. 2. Shake vigorously until well chilled. 3. Strain the mixture into a Tiki mug filled with crushed ice. 4. Garnish with a pineapple leaf, a dehydrated pineapple slice, and a sprinkling of grated nutmeg. 5. Serve immediately and enjoy the harmonious fusion of bold and tropical flavors!


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