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The Daryl Dixon Walker is a drink that pays


Created By: @tweeniors7

Refreshing and spicy rum cocktail

The Daryl Dixon Walker is a drink that pays

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:The Daryl Dixon Walker (cocktail with no mezcal or whiskey or gin or charcoal or smoke)
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Ingredients: - 2 oz. white rum - 1 oz. lime juice - 1 oz. pineapple juice - 1/2 oz. simple syrup - 2 dashes of Tabasco sauce - 1 sprig of rosemary - Ice Instructions: 1. In a cocktail shaker, add white rum, lime juice, pineapple juice, and simple syrup. 2. Add 2 dashes of Tabasco sauce and a sprig of rosemary. 3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds. 4. Strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice. 5. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary. The Daryl Dixon Walker is a refreshing cocktail that packs a punch. The sweetness of the pineapple juice and simple syrup are balanced by the tartness of the lime juice and the spiciness of the Tabasco sauce. The rosemary adds a unique herbal flavor that complements the other ingredients perfectly. Enjoy!


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