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The Mystical Garden


Mesmerizing cocktail with butterfly pea tea and gin

The Mystical Garden

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Cocktail using butterfly pea tea
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Step into a mesmerizing realm with The Mystical Garden cocktail, a magical blend of flavors and colors. This enchanting drink features butterfly pea tea, a vibrant blue herbal tea known for its natural color-changing properties. Combined with a refreshing mix of ingredients, this cocktail is sure to captivate your taste buds. Ingredients: - 2 oz butterfly pea tea - 1.5 oz gin - 0.75 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 oz elderflower liqueur - 0.5 oz simple syrup - Ice cubes - Edible flowers (for garnish) Instructions: 1. Brew a strong cup of butterfly pea tea and let it cool. 2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the gin, lemon juice, elderflower liqueur, and simple syrup. 3. Fill the shaker with ice cubes. 4. Add 1 oz of the brewed butterfly pea tea to the shaker, and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds. 5. Strain the mixture into a chilled glass filled with fresh ice cubes. 6. Slowly pour the remaining butterfly pea tea over the back of a spoon, allowing it to float on top, creating a stunning layered effect. 7. Garnish with edible flowers for an extra touch of elegance. 8. Serve and enjoy the captivating beauty and flavors of The Mystical Garden cocktail.


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