Twilight Tropic Storm


Tropical storm cocktail with rhum, lager, lemonade tonica

Twilight Tropic Storm

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Lager beer, rhum, lemonade tonica.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


This cocktail is a refreshing twist that marbles the malty depths of lager with the sweet, robust kick of rhum, all brightened by a fizzy lemonade tonica. It's a drink that captures the serene fierceness of a tropical storm at twilight, offering complexity with each sip. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Rhum (Aged preferred for its deep flavor) - 3 oz Lager beer (Choose a light, crisp variety to complement the rhum) - 2 oz Lemonade tonica (Homemade or a high-quality store-bought version) - 0.5 oz Lime juice (Freshly squeezed) - 0.5 oz Simple syrup (Adjust according to the sweetness of the lemonade) - Ice cubes - A thin slice of lime and a sprig of mint for garnish Glass: Serve in a Highball glass to accommodate the vibrant layers of flavor and the fizz from the tonica, ensuring a visually appealing presentation that beckons the drinker to dive into its depths. Instructions: 1. In a shaker, combine the rhum, lime juice, and simple syrup. Fill the shaker halfway with ice and shake vigorously until well chilled. 2. Strain the mixture into the Highball glass filled with ice. 3. Slowly pour the lemonade tonica over the rhum mixture to create a layered effect. 4. Gently top with the lager beer, pouring it over the back of a spoon if needed to maintain distinct layers. 5. Garnish with a thin lime wheel and a sprig of mint. 6. Serve immediately, instructing the drinker to stir the cocktail gently before sipping to blend the tropical storm of flavors. This drink is perfect for a summer evening, offering a refreshing beverage that is both invigorating and soothing, much like the ambience after a tropical storm has passed.


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