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Twisted Autumn Elixir


Rich, spicy, bittersweet autumn-inspired cocktail

Twisted Autumn Elixir

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:Create a unique, complex, innovative riff on a classic stirred cocktail featuring a split base of Christian Brothers VSOP brandy and Apricot brandy Including amaretto, Allspice Dram, Peychaud's buyers and smoked chili bitters without roasted carrot bitters. using only a subset of the following ingredients ginger beer laird's bottled in bond apple brandy rhum agricole tajin seasoning chocolate bitters chambord raspberry liqueur strega liqueur xtabentún cynar amaro worcestershire sauce plantation 5 year rum...
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Description: A sophisticated stirred cocktail that merges the richness of Christian Brothers VSOP brandy and apricot brandy with the nutty warmth of amaretto. The spicy complexity of allspice dram and the bittersweet notes of Peychaud's bitters, smoked chili bitters, and a touch of Demerara syrup, create an autumn-inspired libation perfect for cozy nights. Ingredients: - 1 oz Christian Brothers VSOP brandy - 1 oz apricot brandy - 0.5 oz amaretto - 0.25 oz allspice dram - 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters - 2 dashes smoked chili bitters - 0.5 oz Twisted Alchemy Demerara syrup - Orange twist, for garnish - Cinnamon stick, for garnish Glassware: Old Fashioned Glass Instructions: 1. Combine Christian Brothers VSOP brandy, apricot brandy, amaretto, allspice dram, Peychaud's bitters, smoked chili bitters, and Twisted Alchemy Demerara syrup in a mixing glass filled with ice. 2. Stir the mixture thoroughly until well-chilled. 3. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass with a large ice cube. 4. Express the oils from an orange twist over the drink and drop it in as a garnish. 5. Add a cinnamon stick for an aromatic finish. This cocktail is a blend of rich, spicy, and bittersweet flavors that are perfectly balanced for an autumn evening. Enjoy the Twisted Autumn Elixir in front of a cozy fireplace!


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