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Venetian Sparkle


Venetian Sparkle Cocktail

Venetian Sparkle

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

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AI Request:Twist on the French 75 but inspire to the Italian flavours, home made infusion wit a bottle of 700ml, home made syrup, cordial, shrub, caviar, foam, give me the measurements in ML not in OZ , old fashion glass, explain all the recipes use also liquor and vermouth
*Estimated by AI - may vary


The Venetian Sparkle is an innovative twist on the classic French 75, inspired by the rich and vibrant flavors of Italy. This cocktail combines a homemade citrus-rosemary infusion with a delicate prosecco foam and a sweet, tangy cherry balsamic shrub. Served in an old fashioned glass, it bridges the tradition of Italian aperitivo with the sophistication of French cocktail culture. Ingredients for Venetian Sparkle Cocktail: - 50 ml Citrus-Rosemary Infused Gin - 20 ml Sweet Vermouth, preferably Italian - 20 ml Cherry Balsamic Shrub - 10 ml Lemon Cordial - 80 ml Prosecco - 10 ml Rosemary Liquor (homemade or quality store-bought) - Prosecco Foam - A few drops of Lemon Bitters - Garnish: Candied Lemon Peel and a Sprig of Rosemary Glassware: - Old Fashioned Glass Instructions: 1. Begin by making the Citrus-Rosemary Infused Gin. Take 700ml of your preferred gin and add the peel of 2 lemons, 1 grapefruit, and 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Allow the mixture to infuse for at least 48 hours before straining. 2. For the Cherry Balsamic Shrub, combine 200 grams of pitted cherries, 100 ml balsamic vinegar, 100 ml water, and 200 grams of sugar in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and the cherries soften. Crush the cherries to extract flavor, and simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and bottle. 3. Create the Lemon Cordial by peeling 5 lemons and combining the peels with 500 ml of water and 500 grams of sugar. Simmer for 5 minutes, then cool and add 200 ml of fresh lemon juice. Strain and bottle. 4. For the Prosecco Foam, combine 100 ml of prosecco, 50 ml of water, 2 egg whites, and 10 ml of sugar syrup in a cream whipper. Charge with a nitrous oxide cartridge and refrigerate. 5. To make the Rosemary Liquor, infuse 100 grams of fresh rosemary in 500 ml of your choice of clear liquor for 2 weeks. Strain and sweeten with 100 grams of sugar per 500 ml of infused liquor. 6. In a shaker, combine the Citrus-Rosemary Infused Gin, Sweet Vermouth, Lemon Cordial, Cherry Balsamic Shrub, and Lemon Bitters with ice. Shake vigorously. 7. Strain the mixture into the old fashioned glass filled with ice. 8. Gently layer the prosecco on top of the infused gin mixture. 9. Top with Prosecco Foam by dispensing


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