Whimsical Tea Party Potion


Non-alcoholic teapot cocktail with herbal teas and fruit infusions


Description: Embrace the playful charm of afternoon tea with a twist in this non-alcoholic teapot cocktail. Designed for sharing and perfect for gatherings, this refreshing concoction captures the essence of a tea party with its blend of herbal teas and fruit infusions. The Whimsical Tea Party Potion is a delightful mix of aromatic teas, citrus zests, and a hint of floral notes, giving you a magical potion that's both invigorating and comforting. Ingredients: - 1 chamomile tea bag - 1 peppermint tea bag - 1 hibiscus tea bag - 8 oz boiling water - Juice of 1 lemon - Juice of 1 orange - 3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (adjust to taste) - 1/2 cucumber, sliced - A handful of fresh mint leaves - Edible flowers for garnish (such as violas or marigolds) - 1 cup sparkling apple cider - Ice cubes Type of Glass to Serve In: - A traditional ceramic or glass teapot with teacups, or a large, decorative pitcher with highball glasses for a more modern take. Instructions: 1. Begin by steeping the chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus tea bags in boiling water for about 5 to 7 minutes to create a strong infusion. 2. Remove the tea bags and let the infusion cool to room temperature. Once cooled, chill the tea in the refrigerator until cold. 3. In the cold tea mixture, stir in the lemon juice, orange juice, and honey or agave syrup. Mix well until the sweetener is fully dissolved. 4. Add the cucumber slices and mint leaves to the tea mixture. 5. Fill the teapot or pitcher with ice cubes to keep the potion cool. 6. Gently pour in the sparkling apple cider to the tea mixture and stir lightly to combine, being cautious to preserve the effervescence. 7. Pour the Whimsical Tea Party Potion into the teacups or highball glasses. 8. Garnish each serving with a sprig of mint and float a few edible flowers on top for an enchanting presentation. 9. Encourage guests to pour their own tea, creating a sense of ceremony and participation reminiscent of a traditional tea party. 10. Enjoy this magical, non-alcoholic potion that's perfect for any age at your very own whimsical tea party gathering!


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