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White Negroni


Refreshing and elegant twist on the classic Negroni cocktail

White Negroni

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:white Negroni
*Estimated by AI - may vary


A modern twist on the classic Negroni cocktail, the White Negroni is a refreshing and elegant drink. This sophisticated concoction replaces the traditional red vermouth with a delicate white vermouth, resulting in a lighter and smoother flavor profile. The herbal and citrus notes of the gin are beautifully balanced by the bitterness of the gentian liqueur and the subtle sweetness of the white vermouth. Served over ice and garnished with a twist of lemon, the White Negroni is a perfect choice for those seeking a sophisticated and unique cocktail experience. Ingredients: - 1 ½ oz gin - 1 oz white vermouth - 1 oz gentian liqueur - Lemon twist, for garnish Instructions: 1. Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. 2. Add the gin, white vermouth, and gentian liqueur to the mixing glass. 3. Stir gently for about 30 seconds to chill and combine the ingredients. 4. Strain the mixture into a rocks glass filled with ice. 5. Garnish with a twist of lemon. 6. Serve and enjoy the refreshing elegance of the White Negroni.


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