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Wild Soju Sunset


A harmonious blend of bold and delicate flavors

Wild Soju Sunset

AI Cocktail Info

Serving : 1 cocktail

Net Carbs
AI Request:cocktail with wild turkey whiskey and yogart soju.
*Estimated by AI - may vary


Discover a taste of the unexpected with the Wild Soju Sunset, a harmonious blend of the bold and the delicate. This cocktail brings together the robust characteristics of Wild Turkey Whiskey with the smooth, creamy texture of yogurt soju, resulting in a drink that's both innovative and delightful. Served in a chilled highball glass, it's the perfect concoction for those looking to explore new horizons in their cocktail journey. Ingredients: - 1.5 oz Wild Turkey Whiskey - 1.5 oz Yogurt Soju - 0.5 oz Honey Syrup (equal parts honey and water, heated until combined, then cooled) - 2 oz Pineapple Juice - 0.5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice - A pinch of cinnamon powder - Ice cubes - Pineapple slice and a cherry, for garnish Instructions: 1. Start by chilling a highball glass in the freezer for about 5 minutes. 2. In a shaker, combine Wild Turkey Whiskey, yogurt soju, honey syrup, pineapple juice, and fresh lemon juice. 3. Add a pinch of cinnamon powder to the mix for a subtle spicy kick. 4. Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds, ensuring the mixture is well-combined and chilled. 5. Take the highball glass out of the freezer and fill it halfway with fresh ice cubes. 6. Strain the cocktail mixture into the glass over the ice. 7. Garnish with a pineapple slice and a cherry on a skewer. 8. Serve immediately and enjoy the delightful fusion of flavors in this Wild Soju Sunset. This innovative cocktail is perfect for evenings when you're craving something unique and refreshing. The blend of Wild Turkey Whiskey and yogurt soju creates a tantalizing balance of flavors that's both invigorating and comforting, making the Wild Soju Sunset a must-try for adventurous palates.


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