Diners, Drive-Ins, and Drizzles

An AI Cocktail created for TVFoodMaps
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Drizzles

Product Launch Details

Product Name: TVFoodMaps

Description: Find restaurants on TV shows like Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Product Hunt: Launch Link


A vibrant and adventurous cocktail, inspired by the beloved TV shows that guide food enthusiasts to discover hidden gems. The 'Diners, Drive-Ins, and Drizzles' cocktail captures the excitement of uncovering new flavors with a bold red appearance that speaks to classic Americana. Combining the tantalizing bitterness of Campari with the crisp sweetness of red apple juice, and a surprising drizzle of luxurious white chocolate liqueur, this drink offers a multi-layered adventure in every sip, much like the diverse culinary road trips showcased on television.


1.5 oz Vodka
1 oz Campari
0.75 oz Lemon juice
0.75 oz Red apple juice
0.5 oz Simple syrup
Top off Soda water
0.5 oz (for drizzle) White chocolate liqueur
1 (for garnish) Red apple slice
1 (for garnish) White chocolate stick


1. Chill a cocktail glass by placing it in the freezer or by filling it with ice water for a few minutes.
2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the vodka, Campari, lemon juice, apple juice, and simple syrup.
3. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds.
4. Strain the mixture into the prepared cocktail glass.
5. Top with soda water to add some fizz and a light texture.
6. Carefully drizzle white chocolate liqueur on top to create swirling patterns reminiscent of a map.
7. Garnish with a small slice of red apple and a white chocolate stick across the rim.