Bold, invigorating cocktail with gin, Licor 43, Ancho Reyes
The Sunset Flame is a bold, invigorating cocktail that masterfully combines the botanical elegance of gin, the creamy sweetness of Licor 43, and the fiery depth of Ancho Reyes. This drink is gracefully balanced with Twisted Alchemy's Blood Orange Juice, bringing a vibrant acidity and rich, fruity undertones. Perfect for an evening sip that transitions into the night, the Sunset Flame is served in a rocks glass for a sophisticated presentation.
- 1.5 oz Gin
- 0.75 oz Licor 43
- 0.5 oz Ancho Reyes
- 1 oz Twisted Alchemy Blood Orange Juice
- 0.25 oz Twisted Alchemy Rich Simple Syrup
- Ice cubes
- Blood orange wheel for garnish
1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.
2. Add the gin, Licor 43, Ancho Reyes, Twisted Alchemy Blood Orange Juice, and Twisted Alchemy Rich Simple Syrup to the shaker.
3. Shake well until the mixture is thoroughly chilled.
4. Strain the cocktail into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice.
5. Garnish with a blood orange wheel on the rim.
Serve in: Rocks glass
Enjoy the vibrant and dynamic flavors of Sunset Flame, a cocktail that promises to leave a lasting impression with every sip.AI Cocktail Info
Serving : 1 cocktail
Net Carbs
AI Request:A Cocktail with Gin, Licor 43, ancho Reyes
*Estimated by AI - may vary